Starkiller was designed as Luke Skywalker's photo-negative, and is named after "Annikin Starkiller" (Luke or Anakin Skywalker's original name in the early Star Wars scripts). I'm forced back, muscle burning, breath ragged. Anakin (Clone Wars) vs. Starkiller (TFU1) Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Abre la descripción para descubir más :D ¡Suscríbete! The son of a Jedi Knight, Kento Marek and a young Jedi freedom fighter named Mallie, Galen Marek was born with an extremely powerful connection to the Force. Wait, in the OP it says that Anakin can use his movie and show feats. @godgate: I meant that this is a legends battle, so using canon sources is invalid. Also, Kenobi was actually a better duelist in ANH since Jedi simply improve with age rather than decline with it as shown by Master Yoda. Starkiller was originally the family name of Anakin (then Annikin) and his children, Luke and Leia, in the drafts of The Star Wars. There's no reason why ROTS Anakin, a character possessing Yoda and Sidious level raw power would lose to him. been awhile since i played the first game or read the book. Anakin may have had more potential and raw power than anyone except Luke, but he was severely lacking in skill and discipline. Anakin lowball is strong here. The ultimate battle between the 3 most powerful siths..\rFor the second battle click this link: \r\rFor previous battles:- \rDarth vader vs kento marek:- \r\rStarkiller vs rahm kota:- \r\rStarkiller vs kazdan paradus:- \r\rStarkiller vs shakti:- \r\rStarkiller vs morus broo:- \r\rStarkiller vs proxy:- Bloodlusted TFU II Starkiller vs Bloodlusted RoTS Anakin/Vader. I was just thinking that, if it is then...yeah, I don't see Anakin having any chance. @idrisiangraecus: Mentally hindered dosen't mean force hindered, so him losing a force struggle to Kenobi is still a anti-feat here sp I can't believe that he is even possessing a fraction of Yoda and Sidious's raw power as there was no hint of this ever shown within the context of the films, therefore I cannot acknowledge what your saying to be true. Prime Anakin would obviously beat everyone in the SW Universe, but Prime Anakin doesn't really exist. -- From A Certain Point Of View: Time Of Death. He's nowhere near that level, while Anakin was perfectly capable of … He should have this. Obviously Starkiller, has a ridiculous amount of power and skill, killing multiple Jedi, and beat Vader who is literally just Anakin, That being said, Starkiller being this powerful is pretty stupid, More posts from the TheJediPraxeum community. Furthermore, a mental hindrance is a force hindrance. So based off actual feats, Anakin gets destroyed. And to those who try to tell me Starkiller wins because he beat the Emperor: he didn't. Does that mean he is strictly limited to those feats, or that they're just available? Anakin Starkiller V2 + V3 Builders Kit Tutorials as of 8/30/19 Starkiller has a few remaining builders kits in his shop. Anakin Skywalker vs. Galen Marek/Starkiller Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Something which is supported by Yoda being considered the most powerful Jedi and the greatest practitioner of the Lightside of the Force as of RotS. KMC Forums > Star Wars > Star Wars: Literature & Expanded Universe > Star Wars Versus Forum > Bloodlusted TFU II Starkiller vs Bloodlusted RoTS Anakin… Only seconds remained before it hit and it was still getting bigger." I also believe that the Lucas quotes do not necessarily place Vader below the likes of Anakin and that we should not assume an interpretation of Lucas's intent that contradicts C canon quotes which confirm Vader's superiority to his RotS self. On what basis are you making this assertion? If you look at Galen's feats in-game vs Sidious's feats throughout all six movies and in-game, Starkiller … @idrisiangraecus: I'm not CaVing this because this specifies movie and show feats only and it's fairly obvious to anyone with a brain that Anakin without his EU comics/novel feats cannot win against Starkiller. Even then, I don't see how his skills worsening over time means he's necessarily worse as an overall lightsaber combatant or how that's relevant to Vader's position when we have sources confirming he had the advantage/was winning the fight between them. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Top Answer. No cobro por darle a like. So overall, I have to say that Galen Marek stomps here 9/10, composite him just has too much going for him. Anakin revenge fo the Sith vs Starkiller, Starkiller wins. All versions of the game clarify that the degree to which it was affected was AT LEAST as significant as what was shown in the gif they posted ( if not to an even greater extent ). The air is thick with plasma discharge, lights dancing on the edge of my vision. Also, he has a lot of force potential like Anakin, but Anakin is greatly hindered by the Jedi teachings and his inability to tap into his potential like Grandmaster Luke did or Starkiller did. The dead weight of the Star Destroyer shifted one last time, changing its angle of descent just enough to hang together those last few hundred meters, but not enough to risk bouncing. He's basically a more advanced and more aggressive version of the OG Starkiller, who was already OP compared to anything seen in the movies. During operation Knightfall, Anakin had perfect mental clarity and as such could fight at the level of Yoda and Sidious. @godgate: All of those sources you linked are invalid on the basis of them being canon (bar the movie of course). @wolfrazer: Lucas also mentions that when a force user doesn't use the force for a while, they regress, and this is clearly the case with Kenobi. Starkiller fucking dueled Vader and Sidious into submission in Force Unleashed. @idrisiangraecus: Vader is actually a better duelist than Anakin as he performed far better in his fight against Kenobi, to the point that fight could nearly be considered a stomp in his direction and for something like that to even be possible, he would've had to improved significantly as a duelist since his last fight with the man. @killbilly: I’m basing it on the numerous quotes that establish Anakin as a Yoda/Sidious tier duelist, something that Galen and Vader clearly aren’t a part of. Starkiller/Galen Marek - Rumored to have 33,000 to 33,700 Medi-Chlorians. He'd have to train for at least a few years before beating Sidious in 1 vs 1. This is even shown in the movies where Kenobi is shown as being constantly being pushed back by Vader, further supporting the fact that Vader had the advantage: Also a fun fact to add to this is that Vader nearly employs all the lightsaber forms when he fights, while Anakin is purely only using form V whenever he fights. Starkiller, for his era, is pretty poor. This is clearly outdated when new information post 02 came out. - Starkiller Can use both TFU 1 and 2 feats. Another point I take issue with is the idea that Anakin's dueling skills are superior. @godgate: Again, on Mustafar, Anakin was specially hindered. Anakin should definitely take this. Wait, in the OP it says that Anakin can use his movie and show feats. @idrisiangraecus: The fact that he was "strong as the emperor" and still lost to Kenobi says a lot about him at peak performance. Per Chee and GL, Ben > Vader nonetheless. Anakin full potential vs starkiller, Anakin wins. it stated that Anakin in ep 3 equals Sidious before he got cut down. @godgate: Vader is a far weaker duelist than Anakin, having lost to Maul is resurrection, and the isd feat was clarified in the novel, which shows it isn’t nearly as impressive: The novel feat actually in no way contradicts the gif that was posted above. This should let you basically know how they stand as duelist here when you consider their feats and such combined with this information. This is the second addition to the versus series and this one will be between Starkiller and Anakin. Who will win in a fight between Lord Starkiller & Darth Vader and Ahsoka Tano & Anakin Skywalker? @idrisiangraecus: I don't think we should be using a basis of canon here, considering that one participant of this battle isn't even considered that lol. Given that Galen Marek was capable of standing up to Vader in a lightsaber duel, even if it wasn't what he used to defeat him, shows that the two of them were in the same league, automatically putting Marek above Anakin Skywalker as a duelist. Anakin's raw power is at the least comparable to that of SK (however minutely without the vast amount of stuff in the EU) and his duelling skills are superior. From Star Wars Art Treasures 26. That being the case, it causes me to believe that Vader surpassed his RotS incarnation as of ANH which only occurs a few years after the events of TFU wherein Galen ragdolls Vader which should allow Galen's telekinesis and other such abilities to remain effective against the likes of Anakin. It is heavily implied that Sidious wasn't really trying in their duel, but I always found that to be a bullshit cop out of plot point. "You should not have come back," Vader tells me. I try to push forward, only to be thrust violently back. He wore his hair in a distinctive Kessilian hair knot. Honestly, despite the fact that he's far less powerful, I don't think Anakin as Darth Vader would have much trouble in a fight with Anakin from Episode III. This is a place for fans of Star Wars Legends (otherwise known as the Expanded Universe) to come together and discuss the rich lore and history they love, without mentioning the Story Group Canon apart from in certain cases (see rule 1). Why does it even matter if his force abilities are on par with sidious's if he's too stupid to use them like he should? It's like striking iron. Annikin, despite his relative youth, had taken part in the Kessilian civil wars and led a Hubble expedition to the Cone systems. In that case, I'd give it to Anakin. Anakin is a better duelist and won’t be stomped in the force so he wins. Ben Kenobi has been stated many times to be worse than TPM Kenobi. Anakin also has more raw power with the Force, even if Starkiller has it more refined. Has the power and potential to bring down an entire Star Destroyer, George Lucas once said he could possibly rip the Empire apart from the inside out. Fought Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine in … Starkiller in a stomp. Starkiller vs. Anakin Skywalker (in his prime) | Star Wars Amino. And the sources are “shadow of former self” quotes. [3] [4] The developers tried to avoid making Starkiller too rigidly defined while keeping the character developed. TFU 1 & 2 Galen combined: Shien, Niman, Ataru, Juyo. See Answer. KMC Forums > Star Wars > Star Wars: Literature & Expanded Universe > Star Wars Versus Forum > Anakin (Clone Wars) vs. Starkiller (TFU1) jmoul. There's no give in Vader's arms, and far too much in mine. @killbilly:And the sources are “shadow of former self” quote. @godgate: Would you be willing to CaV this? Starkiller in a stomp. I don't think Starkiller would have had much trouble with Anakin. Anakin can use his movie and shows feats- Starkiller Can use both TFU 1 and 2 feats-Both going all out @idrisiangraecus: Eh, I'm still confused about what sources are allowed here so I'll simply be using statements and my own personal opinion. Even after losing an arm and a leg (thereby lowering his total power) he was still able to ragdoll Sidious in the canon comics. You have to separate the gameplay mechanics and liberties from the actual character of Galen Marek/Starkiller himself. My resources are depleted, my body screaming with pain. He merely held his lightning at bay for a few seconds. His Force abilities are far superior based on feats, and I'd say they're about equal in lightsaber skills. No, I’m not kidding. So, Starkiller's clone vs. Anakin with his movie feats only? 1. - The Force Unleashed. Ahsoka would slap him around. I don't even want to mention dueling skills, since Galen was capable of fighting toe to toe with Darth Vader himself who is the personal epitome and peak of Anakin's skills as a duelist and I'm not trying to say he won purely through dueling skills but if you read the novels, you can't say that Galen is skill-less with a lightsaber since he literally out strategized Vader in a dueling sense, making him be at least a level 8 on George Lucas's since Obi-Wan is the only other person who has pulled off such a feat against Anakin Skywalker. All rounds go to Starkiller handily. only Vader dueling had weakened his power in the force how ever is on Sidious tier. Does that mean he is strictly limited to those feats, or that they're just available?That really determines how this plays out for me. Starkiller has an insane amount of knowledge on the force and can tap into its potential better. KF Vader between Mace Windu’s Death and Padme’s arrival on Mustafar is the 3rd strongest character in SW without amps, arguably first or second, period. Hello! He lunges at me; slash and counterslash, stab and riposte. i wil say if we use what you said about the Alt Universe i would Say it would be something like this Full Power Anakin/Luke>Starkiller=Palpatine i am not 100% sure but i remember Palpatine saying that Starkiller could have been his equal where he said Anakin would have been greater than himself. I'm sick of people lowballing Galen's dueling skills LMAO. That really determines how this plays out for me. The character's likeness and voice are provided by Samuel Witwer. Yet still is above ANH Vader. Since this is movie and show for heavily stacked for Marek to win. @grinningf0x: I'm not debating that Anakin's the better duelist here but in the force? Can I get those sources stating Ben is a worse duelist? 1. "Your powers are weak, old man." Not to mention, that Juyo would provide Starkiller an advantage in a fight against Anakin Skywalker since he tends to dip into the dark side whenever he's pushed in a fight, which Galen would definitely do and if anyone knows what Juyo does, they'd know that dark side dipping is the last thing that you want to do when fighting someone with that style. Galen Marek was a Human male who lived during the height of the Galactic Empire and the Great Jedi Purge. This entire force feat trumps anything that Anakin has done in the movies/show without an amp and even with amps, it's still debatable which was a better feat. Starkiller stomps any version of Anakin unless we are talking about him on Morris while being amped by a force nexus. He never even fought him outside of the game, which: Had Sidious wtfpwning Starkiller when going all out Casual fans keep overrating movie characters. Press J to jump to the feed. Starkiller is stronger than Anakin in every way. he has said he's never doing another v2 again. I have no hope of winning this fight. He’s more skilled, powerful, and a better overall combatant. KF Vader was beaten in a force struggle by Kenobi who isn't even one of the top 10 in the movies while Galen Marek at not even his strongest point(TFU 2 Marek is far stronger than he was here), was capable of holding his own in a force struggle against Sidious himself who is the strongest force user featured in the movies, making it obvious who the stronger force user here is and when it comes down to a battle of sabers, I see no reason for Galen Marek to not walk away the victor as he knows more lightsaber forms and has displayed proficiency in using them against superior opponents( He beat Vader twice, once through strategy, the second time through raw power alone and he was capable of surviving for a fairly long time against sidious). Anakin Askywalker. @idrisiangraecus: Anakin is bound by canon and TV show feats here, Galen isn't so can't both be used in this battle? It simply doesn't specify how much Galen moved it. KMC Forums > Star Wars > Star Wars: Literature & Expanded Universe > Star Wars Versus Forum > Anakin Skywalker vs. Galen Marek/Starkiller Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. View Entire Discussion (31 Comments) More posts from the whowouldwin community. The novel's statement of Galen's last attempt to move it: "He gritted his teeth and snarled at the sky. Per many sources (G-Canon included) he possessed Yoda and Sidious level raw power. Galen was secretly trained as a Sith Lord apprentice to Vader but returned to the light side and the Jedi. Best Anakin I can see him taking a majority with is perhaps TCW S4. if you are thinking of building one, grab it now! Multiple OOU sources dictate Kenobi is a "shadow of his former self" in both power and in skill with a saber. Starkiller vs anakin? However, and this is a big however, Anakin in revenge of the Sith vs starkiller but protecting padme is a completely different story. Galen still has the skill to win this 10/10 times against Anakin. @cocopuffsornah: He can strickly use his Movie and Show feats, forgot to mention it. I mean the same quote also says they hadn't fought against lightsaber wielder in years and that is clearly wrong as far as Vader goes. See, when Anakin has emotions mixed into his fighting, he’s a very different fighter. Wiki User Answered . @killbilly: Well Syn (assuming that's you there), the disproportionate strength of a barrier (Kas'im vs Bane, Maul vs Sidious, etc) allows Anakin to escape SK's ludicrous TK (he's identified as a savant in the TFU Prima Guide iirc), and scaling isn't disallowed, and Anakin scales above Dooku (heftily nonetheless) and Dooku gave a good fight to Yoda. As I've already stated, Lucas's quote need not refer to combative ability. We have quotes of Obi-Wan practicing again and Vader clearly wading through multiple Jedi and training. Nadat zijn vader Kento Nion en zijn moeder in de Jedi Purge om het leven kwamen op Kashyyyk, werd Galen als kind door Darth Vader meegenomen om als geheime leerling te dienen. Starkiller, born Galen Marek and also known as The Apprentice, is the Dark Jedi anti-hero main protagonist of the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed project. Superhero battle match: Lord Starkiller & Darth Vader versus Ahsoka Tano & Anakin Skywalker. @godgate: KFV was mentally hindered on mustafar. Also, Starkiller never beat The Emperor in Legends. Asked by Wiki User. Article by AZ. @godgate: Vader is a far weaker duelist than Anakin, having lost to Maul is resurrection, and the isd feat was clarified in the novel, which shows it isn’t nearly as impressive: Beating Pre ANH Vader isn't a good feat, lmao. I just want to see others opinions, I'll stack up how they stand to each other and what George Lucas has to say about it. The clones of Anakin and Obi-Wan idea was originally inspired by Timothy Zahn's pitch that one of the antagonists in his trilogy … Not by a longshot. And welcome to the Jedi Praxeum! @godgate: But using OOU canon sourcesmakes no sense when this is clearly a legends battle, evident by Galen's status as a legends only character. This is a decent question, so I'm gonna answer it in two parts. In Star Wars Legends and Canon, Galen Marek (Starkiller) is the only Jedi other than Obi-Wan Kenobi to put a beat down on Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. No, he defintely can't lol. There's 0 evidence to support him being Galen's superior in that regard, rather the opposite. After a Sith Knight located him and his family and killed his brother, Deak, Annikin and Kane headed back home to … Also, he has a lot of force potential like Anakin, but Anakin is greatly hindered by the Jedi teachings and his inability to tap into his potential like Grandmaster Luke did or Starkiller did. All I'd say is that the gap I hold between Anakin and Dooku and between Yoda and Dooku doesn't place Anakin above the likes of RotS Yoda in terms of his actual abilities. After the Jedi Rebellion, the teenage Annikin and his brother Deak Starkiller settled on the Fourth Moon of Utapau with their father, Kane Starkiller. Even outside legends, If Anakin was anywhere near Sidious' strength, Obi Wan should have had no chance against him. In Legacy of the Force: Fury, Luke notes that "emotional shocks" could hinder a force user's "connection to the force". Our lightsabers clash. The grip of my lightsaber is slick in my hands, my ears ringing. Galen Marek fighting Anakin would be a lot closer since this version of him has lot a lot of his potential. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Als metgezel kreeg Starkiller PROXY, een prototype Droid die via Hologramtechnologie allerlei gedaanten kon aanne… Besides, they aren't that far apart in dueling skill, considering that Galen beat Anakin's older self who is a more skilled duelist,albeit a bit slower, but that's something that I'll prove tommorow when I get the chance to write a more detailed post. 2012-01-05 04:50:33. Numerous sources detail how Kenobi is a far worse duelist in ANH than in ROTS, and Vader only being able to match that shows how he's sunken as a duelist. @godgate: Lucas outright states that after Obi Wan cut him in half, "he was no longer as strong as the Emperor". Vader trainde Marek, die de codenaam Starkiller kreeg, om alle overlevende Jedi te kunnen uitroeien en uiteindelijk ook Vader's eigen Master. Starkiller has an insane amount of knowledge on the force and can tap into its potential better. I cannot see Starkiller taking a majority (or even a single round) against BoROTS Anakin. @killbilly: Gillardian tiers. Sidious was able to easily tank a Oneness Galen's suicide blast. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY.
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