One way or the other, he'd be forced to live out the nightmare until he woke. It wasn't such a great loss. He had been mesmerized by the sight of her erect nipples under her bra-less tank-top and hadn't considered what might happen if his wife came home. If he wouldn't provide her with a proper baby of her own, she thought to herself, then he would be her baby! When he found out that Krystyn and I were lovers, he was so bourgeoisie! Find expert advice along with How To videos and articles, including instructions on how to make, cook, grow, or do almost anything. Jennifer Loraine Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Instantly a compromise of sorts was reached and instead of ejaculating, his little pee-pee evacuated its bladder in shear pleasure at the memory of her touch. I guess he's more of an infant than Krystyn's usually are. You can't say a thing about it. "What has she done to me? As they descended the stairs, Becky said to Krystyn, "I trust you already have a mother lined up for him? Embarrassed with the intimacy of her question, Andrew explained that he was an only child and that aside from the passing acquaintance of his next door neighbor, Allie, he doesn't know anyone in town well enough to talk to about his life. Look at the way they're grinning at me! After a few minutes, however, Jimmy began to frown with uncertainty with his new clothes. As the nursery's lower door closed, Andrew's adult mind went into a state of blind panic in utter despair and abandonment. "No, no, not at all! In the dream, Andrew had suspected Kyrstyn was a young mother because she was shopping for diapers, but his infatuation with her lovely appearance overcame his natural reticence and he continued to glance at her when he thought she wasn't looking. As an infant who enjoyed pooping his diapers, he had individuality, but as an infant who thrived on suckling and being nurtured at his mommy's teats, he began to lose focus. Andrew was intensely uncomfortable on the mat, Joey's presence had left a thin film of perspiration and tears on the mat where his shoulder blades and the small of his back had touched it as Becky had lifted his legs and rolled him back during the diaper change. At first, Jimmy would have none of her tit as she exposed it to his mouth: he turned his head away from the foreign object in rejection of the unknown. The light and dark blue striped tank-top that she wore over her bra-less breasts exposed the skin of her slim waist as well as her perfectly formed belly button. While the two women had left the room Andrew had attempted to stand up at the side of the playpen. Andrew had read of people subjected to long-term sensory deprivation in special sound-proofed, salt-water filled tanks of psychological laboratories or confined in the soundless cells of infamous Seclusion wing of the inhumanly cruel jungle prison that the French government had maintained at Devil's Island off the coast of French Guiana to isolate and break the will of its political enemies. Her belief in her eternal damnation into the foulest place that her inventive mind could imagine would insure that her life would be a living Hell for Krystyn. The effect on Amber's youngest boy's personality would be devastating; he would become shy and withdrawn and would eschew the company of his classmates least they discover his terrible secret. Survival of the Coven meant absolute secrecy above all. As Becky moved out of the way for Krystyn to pass with her charge, Andrew quailed at the thought of having his diaper changed like Joey. She rapped him lightly on his forehead with the second joint of her knuckled index finger to make her point as she chuckled, "Instead of having the semi-educated, sophomoric brain of a college student, your noggin will be filled with bland creamed oatmeal as befits a baby. He was completely dependent on her for everything. "Well! Andrew blushed furiously as he admitted he didn't own a car and had to either walk or take a bus to get around town. The next morning, she went to rouse Jimmy and found him awake and happily sucking his toes while laying on his back in a sopping wet diaper. Besides, Baby Andy wouldn't want to sleep with his Auntie anyway. He wasn't terribly pleased to have to ask for help from the woman who had turned him into an infant and incarcerated him in his nursery/prison, but he had no choice. Andrew's felt a wave of sympathetic pity for the baby who was crying its heart out. The pores of his skin opened under the influence of the wet diaper while the moist heat liquefied the oils in his sebaceous glands, allowing them to drain and cleanse themselves in the presence of the sterile urine. If he won't drink any of the things I've mentioned, then he can have water from the tap. She envisioned each adult male that had been enchanted as her ex-husband and lavished the humiliation and condescension on each and every one of them that she wished upon her ex-husband. For some strange reason, the statement made both women titter uncontrollably. When the pediatrician asked why he was back in diapers again, wondering if he had been having problems with his potty training, his mother had responded that he had seemed to have regressed in the past week and could no longer keep himself clean or dry. Andrew's mother had relented somewhat and put him on probation. While Krystyn knew that being felt up was harmless in and of itself, she knew that it would lead to disaster for Amber's plans later on. Despite her dreams for riches, she would soon fall to the wiles of one of her boyfriends and become a harried housefrau with a wet-bottomed baby on her hip as she made steak and potatoes for dinner for her unappreciative macho husband every night. Since the spell operated at the cellular level of memory and perception, no amount of truth serum or hypnosis could make the ostensible witnesses reveal what had been erased from the neurochemical structure of their minds. he thought to himself in rising panic, "These aren't my briefs! I caught him running around on me about four years ago and I changed him into what you see beside you. Andrew opened his eyes in shock and realized that he had been the source of the noise of the crying infant that had been following them. It's so nice to meet you! Get access to deals, plus offers just for you. ", she commanded as the spoonful of green paste neared his mouth. Was she offering him�No, he must have misunderstood. When her charges' tastes in food and drink changed as a result of their transformation into babyhood, they gradually forgot their adult appetites for food and beverages so that they ultimately preferred baby food and formula over more adult fare. "You'll have to do better than that if you expect to escape a spanking, Baby! She gave the bag to Becky and folded Andrew's shirt and pants carefully into a neat stack while placing a small, white plastic empty garbage bag on the coffee table. There's microwave popcorn and potato chips in the pantry in case you want to make yourself a snack. Then she unfolded the new stroller, strapped him into the seat and put the diaper bag in the rack underneath. Before long he was both wet and messy and even though he still slept, she wanted to change him as soon as possible. After that, he used his entire weight to flip the bolt back and twist the door handle open while pushing on the doorframe with one foot. Even though Amber didn't know that Krystyn's charges were regressed men, her babysitting habits dovetailed nicely with Krystyn's re-training program. As she stepped down each stair, her tightly bound breasts jiggled against his naked chest, rubbing him with her nipples and making him want to moan in ecstasy from her the nearness of her exquisite body. Everyone in town was up in arms. She cleaned his loins efficiently with the hand piece of the bath's sprayer and soon had him free of the smelly gunk. I'll bet he was good looking! Andrew had subconsciously maintained the body image that he had had when he watched his reflection as his razor cut the stubble from his white-foamed chin that morning and hadn't changed it since his metamorphosis. All that emerged from his mouth was an incoherent scream for help. The blocks were actually empty towelette tubs. It was almost time for him to leave anyhow. The last thing he remembered as his eyes closed was a warm feeling between his legs as he peed from the pressure caused by a stomach full of baby food and warm formula. His auditory input wasn't as acute as he would have desired, originally his rejuvenation had made the perceptions by his cochlea incredibly sensitive and had increased both his auditory acuity and discrimination. The workers would immediately take notice of the ignored infant and tend to his needs. "Maybe," Amber answered honestly, "If little babies get too much food or too much air in their stomachs, then they spit up. Then she placed his diaper bag on one of the shelves mounted high on the wall for storage. The poor little thing has the same rare congenital condition that all the little boys have that I place with adoptive mothers. Amber cooked the popcorn until the time between pops increased to over twenty seconds. All his subconscious wanted was to be cuddled and taken care of as it had been when he was eight months old. Just as she descended the last step of the stairwell, the doorbell rang and she changed direction. You never expected Alan to climb out of his crib and crawl down the stairs before getting out the front door. Andrew broke out in a sweat as he explained with a stammer and downcast eyes that he was just getting over a sinus condition. From the sour expression on the gravedigger's face, he wanted the bereaved to say their last goodbyes as quickly as possible so he could fill in the grave and have a quick snort before hurrying over to the mission in time for a free dinner. When his newly acquired involuntary reflex to evacuate his bladder and bowels after breakfast struck him, he peed and pooped in his diaper helplessly while sitting in the playpen. Next to his toy box stood his walker/activity chair with baby blue cushions with small white pokadots. As angry as he was with Krystyn, at least she was a reliable caretaker for him. She chose "Eine Kleine Nacht" from Krystyn's collection CD and put it in tray of the player, then excused herself so she could go to the kitchen and warm the baby's bottle. Mmmolga nayouga! The two of you will have a ball together! She picked up the glass and swirled the contents around for a moment to mix it and said to the other witches in the room, "Alright, it's time. "You have the number of the witch who is a member of the Dallas police department memorized? They reek to high Heaven!". The sight of his infant face was appalling! See the pleased expression he's getting because his mommy is cleaning him up and putting him in a fresh diaper? I'm Captain of the football team, she should feel honored that I'd take the time to screw her! I put a teething ring in his mouth and he immediately spit it out and got a sick look on his face. "Doesn't little Andy like peas? Krystyn may have used an ancient arcane magick to transform men into infants, but she believed strongly in using the newest magic of technology to hold onto them until they were sold. If they had already been fed, then a pacifier was in order. Krystyn could tell that she'd have no problems with Andy. She chuckled and said, "By tomorrow, all of his physical property will have been transported to a garbage dump in other cities!". Well, that's all over now! Not only had he been forced to nurse from a bottle like a little baby, but now he was contributing to the whole humiliating scenario by responding like one. After two more paddlings by Krystyn, he ceased trying to walk and creeped on his hands and knees as she desired. After all, she had learned in home economics that babies were only mimicking adult sounds as they learned to speak. Christ, I'd like to get into that babe's pants! The yeast multiplied rapidly in the presence of water and would soon begin inhibiting bacterial growth on its own. With all the squash and vegetable mixtures he had been forced to eat, there was nothing to compare with the sweet full aroma of the yams as they filled his mouth and found a comfortable home in his tummy. Both Andrew and Jimmy were extremely upset with the diaper change; Andrew was mortified to have a woman who he admired clean his dirty bottom like a helpless infant (Which he found excruciatingly humiliating, because that was exactly what he had become!) Breess errbma! Little Joey had been completely broken by the command of his mother/wife. Every day she would shake the sleepy-eyed man awake, get him up from bed, send him to the shower and help dry him off before dressing him. Just look at the mess that you've made in your diaper! Krystyn picked up her purse from the couch and blew Jimmy a kiss saying, "I'll leave you two to get better acquainted. On their wedding night, they had had a flat tire and he been completely baffled by the simple procedure of changing a car's tire even though she tried to give him instructions on how to proceed. Becky nodded and handed her the drink that was on her nightstand from the night before. His appetite for toys had grown in pace with his father's financial ability to provide the wherewithal to fund his playthings. Amber noticed the slippage of the baby's diaper and without a word, she began to stoop over the side of the playpen to reposition his diaper. His eyes continued to stay shut as he unconsciously drooled in ecstasy, wallowing in the pleasure of his first experience of the freedom of total incontinence since babyhood. You don't have to worry about being impotent with a woman now. He is a large, powerful, fire-breathing Koopa who leads the Koopa Troop, an antagonistic organization of turtle-like creatures, and has been the arch-nemesis of Mario since his debut in Super Mario Bros. He chuckled and grinned every step of the way until they reached the nursery. Andrew was less mollified; the experience had severely affected his self-image as a man and had made him realize that he was completely at the mercy of the women who ruled his life. I'm not a real baby! I can't talk or walk. Andrew was getting desperate. His new mommy would take him on outings to the park for fresh air on the weekends. Under normal circumstances, the brain reconstructs its reality every night while the conscious sleeps and makes continuous readjustments to memories as they are retrieved while the brain is in a waking state. Look at the pictures on the wall, they were once big, strapping college men and now look at them. Her helpless body would not even permit her to make an evil-ameliorating act that a Catholic Bishop might praise. The principals and the evidence were gone, totally eradicated beyond humankind's ability to find or reproduce upon demand. Make sure you mail the adoption orders to Allie in the morning. Each one was placed in a playpen that was occupied by a baby who was busily suckling and the process was repeated for the third time with the last four babies in the room. Half-way through the process, he had begun wailing uncontrollably in extreme embarrassment. Aside from cutting through the ten-gauge thickness of continuous arc-welded steel plates that underlay the innocent-appearing plaster wallboard of the walls and ceiling as well as the wooden parquet floor, there was no escape from the room. Krystyn chuckled as she remember the last few times she hired the High School student to look over her charges. Becky got up from the couch and picked up Joey while Krystyn stood at her side. The control of his body might have helped him resist the changes in his personality that were gradually eating away at his sanity. Once I put you in my nursery, there you stay until I think it's time for you to leave. He would have been glad to trail behind her silently to the ends of the Earth, eternally grateful if she would only turn from time to time and bless him with the radiance of her smile. Krystyn tickled her tiny investment on the belly affectionately and left him to console himself with the company of the stuffed toys of the nursery. ", Andrew looked at the hand which unmistakably had an object concealed by Krystyn's fingers draw closer to his lower face. Even a growing predilection for formula over baby food didn't bother him; he knew it was merely his body's way of saying it was satisfied with the nourishment it was getting. ", Krystyn laughed merrily and asked rhetorically, "Do I look like the maternal type? From the mother's caring attitude toward her little boy's problems, the pediatrician doubted that his forced diapering was evidence of child abuse. Seconds later, Andrew found himself lying on his back on the plastic changing pad having his diapers removed. Redirecting the water to another place would have involved linking a transportation enchantment to the original spell and might have caused cross-talk between the esoteric energies involved. Krystyn grinned as she recalled the tapes of the boys Amber had had in the family room while she was babysitting. Andrew's mother felt that the shame and embarrassment of having all of his playmates know that he had to use a potty chair would be a strong inducement for him to behave himself. Frankly, the longer she lived with him, the more she thought she was caring for a superannuated three or four year old rather than an oversized Kindergartner. He couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from the thing. It might ruin your whole day. He realized that the women had somehow divined that he was a virgin and were giggling among themselves at his lack of sexual experience. By the time she got him home from the Mall, her breasts were full of milk and he was hungry. Andrew tried to wriggle himself into a less unpleasant position, but the tacky surface of the plastic adhered to the skin of upper arms and prevented him from shifting his position on the pad. Andrew looked interested and asked her the name of her company. ", she thought to herself chuckling at the thought of giving an obvious girl's name to a baby boy as she closed the door and walked down the hall, "No, that would be too much," she thought shaking her head mentally at the idea. The tires would show no wear and would look brand new. Of course, Percival is much to pretentious to call a little baby, so I'll call you 'Percy'! How do you like wearing diapers day long and night? One of the councilors had felt sorry for her and had told her "off the record" that she might try a private adoption agency. As for the diapers and baby things, everything is where it usually is. He knew that there was no way Krystyn could ignore what he had done. He's become so emotionally infantile of late. Despair filled him as his mind retreated to its darkest cave. Buy him bright toys to divert his baby mind and soft fabrics to caress his tender baby skin. At least she made sure he was bathed, fed and changed his diapers regularly. He accepted and she took him back to the hall and showed him her office in the front of house, off the main hall. Don't let the bedbugs bite!". Other than that, she took her babysitting duties very seriously indeed. Brad was confidant that she'd be easily conquered by his manly charms and he'd have her in bed with him within an hour at most. You're just not ready for the company of your peers in diapers. By the time the megadose of Colace had flushed from his system, Krystyn knew that the effects of his diet and his deteriorating mental condition would make his bowel movements immediate and involuntary. He notice with some amusement that she had sensibly placed a protective plastic mat under the baby to protect the van's upholstery. As the baby giggled, it let a rivulet of formula-laden drool run out of the corner of his mouth and down the side of his cheek, causing Krystyn to smile as she said, "The little baby seems to like his new name, so Percival it is! Directly across from his crib was a matching white, sturdy open-shelved style diaper changing table with its shelves stocked high with diaper changing necessities. The feeling of messing in his diapers was almost as good as masturbating and he could do it anytime he liked. Krystyn popped her heard out between the swinging door to the kitchen and the doorframe for a moment and told him that the coffee would be done in a minute, but that she had just remembered that she had to make a quick phone call in behalf of a potential client. She patted the bottom of his dirty diaper gaily and said, "My! Amber unfastened the tapes on the disposable and pulled the front of the diaper down so she could reposition his little bottom on the diaper before refastening it more tightly. She was eighteen-years-old with long blonde hair that curled lusciously around her shoulders to frame the face of an earth-bound angel with sea blue eyes. Andrew was mortified to find himself hoisted up and drawn to Krystyn's bosom without any apparent effort on her part. Soon his body image would adjust itself as his mind regressed into dependent, contented infancy. The intensity of the baby food sensations that filled his mouth surprised Andrew. If he wet or messed them at any other time, he was forced to endure the discomfort until the next diaper change. He didn't even cry! He slipped into passiveness as the feeling of suckling drew him back to a point in time were everything was done for him by an all-powerful maternal Goddess who he had learned to call mother. The company's Chief CPA and VP of Operations were hesitant to tell the owner of the firm that since the company's humble inception as a simple septic tank cleaning business, it had had grown gradually over the years to a rather large company that handled all of the community gas and water utility needs. Like their forebearers, the antecedent inheritors of the Coven's traditions had learned to perform their work invisibly and vanish into nothingness. There was a feel of malicious intent about her that made him want to run and hide his face in Krystyn's bosom for protection. "Are you sure about that? ", Krystyn laughed again and said patronizingly as she patted the top of his head with head with four fingers of her hand, "Your days of being able to think like an adult are almost over, little Jimmy. Krystyn smiled at the baby who sat on the carpet at her feet apparently exploring the tips of his fat little fingers. As a driver, he was dangerous, he never thought ahead and got into the proper lane, but switched at the last minute when he saw the sign that indicated it was forbidden to change lanes. Krystyn efficiently grasped his ankles in one hand and lifted his bottom so she could make a quick swipe with a baby wipe. The floor, bedding and walls were immaculately clean; there were no children's toys or dirt to mar the perfect order that prevailed in the sober nursery. Strangely, the smell of popcorn brought back fresh memories of adult fare that he had eaten only weeks before and intermixed with his sexual desires, nearly driving him to the brink of utter madness. Gail had gravitated to her female friends and had found solace in Becky's Coven. After a few more minutes, Brad said, "I've seen this movie before, why don't we listen to some music instead?". It felt like he had actually experienced being in that house. Target Circle offers can help you save 5-50% on your favorite items. Andrew was going to have an interesting morning. ", she said caustically as she wiped him clean, "It's no wonder that Krystyn changed you into an infant. Bowser, sometimes known as King Koopa, is a major character and the main antagonist of the Mario franchise. She had told her client that he was a little boy, if she gave him a girl's name it might scare her client off. I stopped the car and grabbed him, then strapped him in the baby seat in the back of the car. They built heavily insulated, sound-proofed, salt-water filled, light-tight tanks and let their subjects float aimlessly on water that was held at the precise temperature of a human body with neither sound nor light to stimulate the nerves. The group of children quickly recovered their aplomb and branded Andrew with the shameful name of "Baby" when they observed his bottom being wiped before his mother forced him to lay on the floor so she could put his training pants over his legs. I seriously doubt that any of them will have any sexual interests in you, will they, BABY? He had seen the movie before and didn't like the ending. Use gloves to handle the certificate and envelope so there will be no fingerprints and wear a hairnet. His sobs when unheeded as Krystyn watched TV downstairs. He gestured at the cup, then grunted out, "Caaaan't taaalk. Brad stood at the doorway and watched as Amber performed her babysitting duties with her charge for the night. From time-to-time, his subconscious's mind was attracted by the sounds from the TV, causing him to flicker eyes momentarily towards the TV set. She was going to change his diapers! Then, one-by-one each baby began emitting little popping noises as they farted at the commencement of making bowel movements into their diapers. ", As Krystyn patted the wet crotch on the pants she had just picked up and folded and said with a chuckle, "Well�I don't think it's been THAT long since Andrew has been out of diapers! When she came back, she put him in one of the training pants he had worn a year earlier. Krystyn would awake at midnight to find herself in an open-topped wrought iron cage surrounded by the corpses of dead furry animals. Whoever the woman is who you babysit for, she's got a hell of an entertainment center!" Krystyn chuckled and added, "It isn't as if he has to get up to go to school tomorrow!". Even though the emotional wounds he suffered eventually healed over with a ropy protective keloid scar, his subconscious perception of women as protectors remained throughout his adolescence and teenaged years as an utterly fixed viewpoint. Then she would put him in his crib to lay on his back and digest his meal in solitude with only a personalized motorized mobile to distract him until he fell asleep. Her birth records and school records vanished into thin air overnight. As he sat there the front of his diaper became warm again, signaling that his small, inelastic infant bladder had reached its limit and the weak sphincter of his bladder had begun to give way under the pressure of the formula she had fed him earlier. Your probation period as my apprentice is over, Krystyn, and I'm sorry to say that you've flunked miserably. Andrew sighed in blessed relief from the intolerable itching from the skin his swollen crotch dissipated. Every time she would move, the chastity belt would make a high pitched crinkling noise that would indicate to her it was constructed from infinitesimally small interwoven rings of chain mail forged by equally infinitesimally tiny ultra-demonette hands. The trim diaper which he had worn to bed had become a pleasing squishy bulge between the infant's legs. He had been in a Mall at Christmas shopping for a small gift for his next door neighbor six months before and a saleswoman at the perfume counter had allowed him to sample several scents intended for the feminine market; he was positive that the attractive scent that Krystyn was wearing was the same perfume he had chosen for his neighbor. It must have spanned ten hand lengths and was covered in some sort of soft-napped, fur-like fabric. Little boys often held their breath and made faces while they were changed. The entire bathroom smelled like a badly managed sewerage pit in seconds. After her ill-fated marriage at eighteen which endured a stormy three years, but seemed to last an aeon , she was perfectly content to stay single. The baby boy played with his diaper by bringing his legs together repeatedly and giggled as he felt the pee-soaked gel mold itself temporarily around the curve of the inside of his thighs, then expand back to it's former volume. There was not a member of the Coven who didn't understand the consequences to Amber's Kismet for her desires and behavior. The sound system played light, bouncy Disney-style music as the infants renewed their round of play, pee and poop. See Target Circle program rules at She promised herself that the minute she got off the phone with her boyfriend, she'd get him changed into a clean diaper. I put a movie in the VCR to watch. Travel involves so many choices - where, when and how to get there for starters. Andrew didn't know that the majority of the infants with vacuous expressions where really the boyfriends of the workers in the nursery who were being punished for showing too much independence from their witch girlfriend/mommies. We made a mistake with Krystyn, let's not repeat it.". "Nonetheless," she thought to herself as she packed his diaper bag and readied him for the trip, "the experience will be good for him. At first he had resisted with all of his mental abilities, but after a series of thrice daily spankings and the most humiliating treatment his bitch of a wife could conjure up, he had given up. Evidently, Krystyn had no intention of letting her charges climb out of the crib and hurt themselves. If he had managed an adult behavior in front of the Daycare workers, then his wife would have been called and another, more effective enchantment would have been laid upon him to insure that he remained an infant in thought and deed. She wasn't the sort of woman for the likes of him, he knew. He knew that the scrolling information must mean something, but the letters made sense in only a general way. Get me out of here! I'll stuff the wig that I'll meet the preacher in as well as the clothes I'm wearing in my old handbag and leave it in one of the womens' restrooms of the Dallas airport after turning over the babies. 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